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Privacy, Permissions and Digital Footprints

"Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time you post a photo, or update your status, you are contributing to your own digital footprint and personal brand."


-Amy Jo Martin



"Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant."

-Mitchell Kapor



Apps / Sites to use for appropriate communication with parents and students (via social media):


1. TeacherKit- This app allows teachers to use it to email parents directly, and without having to open up an email application to distribute and receive information.


2. Buzzmob-This site lets parents and teachers connect on a private network that requires authorization before a user can see updates.


3. Collaborize Classroom-Use this education-focused app to set up a closed network where she can discuss topics, trends, and student progress with both students and teachers.


4. Remind 101-This app lets teachers create an account that parents can "join" by sending a single text message. Because they can message their entire classes and/or parents quickly from their mobile phones, teachers are able to stay in contact on the fly and collaborate with parents without having to pick up the phone or send out an email.


5. Edmodo-Edmodo makes a teacher’s daily life easier by providing a safe and easy way for teachers and students to engage and collaborate for free, anytime, anywhere.

A general overview of Acceptable Use Policies

Internet and Social Media Guidelines Created by My Group

Overview of this assignment

The purpose of this assignment was to collaborate with partners to create a social media / online policy that could be implemented in a district today. This required a great deal of research to determine what has been done by districts that do this well and to determine how to create our own policy. Our team worked well together, and we created something that I beleive is well-rounded. This was a bit complicated, for one member of the group is in Korea and the other is in yet another time zone.


If I were to comment on one thing I learned from this assignment, I would say that creating this type of policy is complicated. Social media and online presences are becoming harder to monitor because of the large number of sites available and because new ones are being created regularly. Districts really need to be aware of any new sites that students may be tempted to use. Ultimately, revisiting the policy on a regular basis is essential. 

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